Retinal Detachment – There is hope for EYE DISEASE!
Before Treatment: Jake is a 21-year-old male with retinal detachment and loss of eye sight from playing soccer and other trauma. After a year the eye began to deflate. Looking at Jake, the left eye was obviously smaller than the right. This made Jake uncomfortable in public and was detrimental to his social life. The doctor told Jake that his eye pressure was down to 7 mm Hg and decreasing and he should consider two possible treatments. The first consisted of removing the eye and implanting a prosthetic eye. The other option was to inject a viscous fluid making the eye milky he was told.
After Treatment: Within days the eye was looking normal and upon returning home his doctor verified his pressure was 12 mm Hg and normal, meaning that the treatment had saved his eye. happy that the stem cell treatment saved his eye.
FOR ON EYE DISEASE GO TO: https://worldstemcellclinic.com/index.php/glaucoma/
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Wow, that’s a great news for people suffering from these serious disease as retinal detachment is very important.