Chemical Peels

You can try chemical peels at the spa or at home, but those treatments do not compare with those that are available at World Stem Cell Clinic. Why, because our medical professionals and professional products used at World Stem Cell Clinic are able to administer stronger, more effective doses than are allowed at the spa or at home. Simply put, the strength of these treatments might be dangerous in less practiced hands. You can be assured that the dermatologists at this clinic are and highly trained. They can perform chemical peels to correct a wide variety of cosmetic concerns. People who have had these procedures at World Stem Cell Clinic see fewer lines and wrinkles, more even color, a brighter complexion and a smoother skin surface. Come, give us a try!!!


  • At World Stem Cell Clinic and The Royal British Medical Center we practice “Patient Precision Medicine (PPM)” which is a treatment model that proposes the customization of the treatment to each unique patient based on their medical history, stage of disease, exam results, time available for treatment and a patient orientation meeting with our Doctors before determining the best treatment for each unique patient.


  • Our staff physicians are all board certified, in their field with years of experience. Your team includes both primary and ancillary care professionals devoted to maximizing your benefits from the procedures. We enroll you in an open registry to track your changes independently, for up to 5 years.


  • To maintain our “Patient Precision Medicine (PPM)” services for you we may use peripheral blood, bone marrow, adipose or umbilical cord derived cells, plasma, proteins and Extracellular Vesicles based your unique treatment needs with mutual agreement.


  • As our patient we also keep you abreast of the newest developments in treatment research. This is an ongoing relationship to maintain and enhance your health.


  • Our promise is to provide you with travel and lodging support, access to bilingual staff members throughout the entire process and most importantly the best medical care possible.